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The GREEN PEEL® Herbal Peeling Treatment is exclusively offered by certified aestheticians and doctors. Originally created more than 60 years ago by herbalist, Christine Schrammek to treat World War 2 burn victims & further medically developed by her daughter, dermatologist Dr. Schrammek-Drusio.
The basis is a mixture of eight highly effective herbs containing enzymes, minerals and vitamins, which are massaged into the skin. It is the solution for various skin problems of the face and body with optimum results, avoiding all chemicals and irritants.
Great for:
Large-pored, seborrheic skin
Impure skin, sebum cysts
Skin prone to premature wrinkles / sagging face contours
Sun damaged skin
Anti-Aging prophylaxis
Some forms of hyperpigmentations
Stretch marks (striae)
Sagging skin on the body (abdominal wall, upper arms, thighs)
A new skin in 5 days






CLASSIC 5 DAY PEEL skin renewal $400 includes Required home care
Natural herbs stimulate blood circulation and metabolism providing a natural improvement of the skin texture with a HEAVY peeling effect. Herb mixture is intensively massaged into the skin. Blood circulation is increased, the supply of oxygen and nutrition is improved and skin renewal is stimulated. This effect is stopped after two-five days depending on skin texture, with more or less peeling process depending on the skin. During this time, the skin NEEDS to be treated at home with special skincare products. To conclude the CLASSIC HERBAL PEELING Treatment you must come back 5 day after for a finishing treatment to nourishe the new receptive skin with valuable ingredients.
*Follow up treatment included in price.
ENERGY mini herbal peel skin renewal $150/optional home care
Natural herbs stimulates blood circulation and metabolism providing a natural improvement of the skin texture with a LIGHT peeling effect. Herbs help to reduce age-related skin appearances as well as impurities, scarring and pigment disorders. Treatment visibly improves the skin’s appearance and harmonizes its surface. Repeat treatment several times a year or even monthly for best results!
FRESH UP facial with exfoliation $130
With this method, there is no peeling effect following treatment - making this treatment great for those unable to have down time and for a pre-event glow.
FRESH UP brightens complexion, revives tired skin and prevents premature aging and loss of elasticity. For best results repeat every 30 days.
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