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dermasugar ingrown hair and skin smoothing
Effective in treating dark spots that are caused by ingrown hairs, various types of bumps, razor burn and overall skin discoloration. Use it on your face, neck, legs and underarms and give yourself a smooth and healthy looking complexion that will have you ready for swimsuit season.
$3.3oz - $35
Roll-On Gel Formulated For Ingrown Hairs, Razor Burn And Bumps Resulting From Shaving, Waxing, Tweezing, Electrolysis And Laser Hair Removal. PFB Vanish Contains Exfoliating And Moisturizing IngredientsTo Maximize The Results. Say Goodbye To Ingrown Hairs!
$3.3oz - $30
Sweep away toxins and get healthy skin all over with this simple tool. Natural bristle brush gently removes dead skin cells and stimulates circulation on the surface, while energizing your body’s detox system beneath. Use pre and post sugaring.
$12 *free with 1st PFB purchase
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